Tuesday, October 27, 2020

10-24-20 Assignments

 1. Study the quizlet for lesson 6 vocabulary


2. Quiz on the body parts 

3. Complete the worksheets for the vocabulary

4. Good stroke order resource link


Monday, October 19, 2020

10-18-20 Assignments

 Dear Students,

1. Please record your 1 minute speech by 10/24 12:00 noon.  The maximum is 2 minutes.  If you have questions, please let me know.  You are welcome to dress up Halloween for recording.  Thank you.


Pass code for each student:

Easom 001

Lisa 002

Campbell 003

Lauren 004

2. Please send me the 20 vocabular you selected from the speech. 

3. Practice the reading handout 5 times.  I will email you the handout.  

If you have questions, please let me know.  Thank you.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

10-10-20 Assignments

 1. Please practice your 1 min speech and record it to send to me.

2. Study the lesson 5 vocabulary on the quizlet 5 times.


Saturday, October 3, 2020

10-3-20 Assignments

1. Submit 1 minute speech in English by Wednesday.

2. Read the reading handout 10 times and record it to send to me.

3. Complete the corrections from the quiz and send me a photo. Each vocabulary writes 5 times.

4. Preview the vocabulary for lesson 5.


5. Review the vocabulary book 1 lesson 14.
