Monday, November 16, 2020

11-14-20 Final Exam Guide

 Please study well for the following sentences and prepare for the answers.

1. 你今年几岁?
2. 你属什么?
3. 你哪年出生?
4. 今天几月几号星期几?
5. 你的生日是几月几号?
6. 你家的电话号码是多少?
7. 你常常去动物园吗?
8. 动物园里有什么动物?
9. 你家养了什么宠物?
10. 熊猫吃什么? 你要吃什么?猴子吃什么?狗吃什么?
11. 你喜欢穿什么颜色的衣服?
12. 我的老师腿长长的,肚子圆圆的, 眼睛小小的, 脚也小小的, 牙齿白白的, 耳朵大大的, 手指短短的。
13. 我弟弟有20颗牙。
14. 我妹妹头发长长的, 鼻子高高的, 嘴巴小小的。

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

11-7-20 Assignments

The Final Exams will be on 11/21. The exam will cover Lesson 3, 4, 5 ,6.  
There are 4 parts of exam - listening, speaking, reading and writing. 
I will provide a short paragraph for reading comprehension. Also, I will have translation section which you will translate the English sentences to Chinese. No sweat!!!! I will give you a word bank. The key to score high is to memorize the vocabulary and sentence patterns.

The assignments for this week are as follows:

1. Study the quizlet 5 times

2. Practice the following test and write down your scores.
 We will review them in the next class

3. Please add Chinese keyboard on your cell phone so you can text simplified Chinese.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

10-31-20 Assignments

 1. Review the vocabulary for CME 1-12 and 1-15 using Quizlet

2. Quiz on the vocabulary Lesson 6 for body parts

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